India has taken Writers of the Future judge and workshop instructor Tim Powers’ words to heart when he said, “So you want to be a writer.” The L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Online Writing Workshop has been available for only 11 months and already has over 5,200 aspiring writers enrolled from 108 countries—India overtaking Canada in the #2 position. Powers concludes, “Learn from the very Writers of the Future judges Orson Scott Card, David Farland, and myself, Tim Powers, who teach the annual winners. I wish you all the best in your journey to becoming a writer of the future.”
“Youth Magazine” editor Bhagyashree Prabhutendolkar, herself having completed the writing workshop, is extremely supportive in encouraging aspiring writers in India to take the free online course providing this link in her magazine.
The writing workshop comprises 13 videos by Orson Scott Card, David Farland, and Tim Powers. There are also essays written by the Founder of the Contest, L. Ron Hubbard, and practical assignments that take a writer from research and concepts to a completed short story. Complete transcripts enable anyone to translate into their language and receive the benefits of this free course.
With a 4.7 out of 5-star rating, the course is well-received from aspiring writers worldwide, as it is designed for the participant to go at their own pace.
Welcome videos from each of the judges teaching the workshop can be seen at Free Online Workshop.
The Writers of the Future writing contest was initiated by L. Ron Hubbard in 1983 to provide “a means for new and budding writers to have a chance for their creative efforts to be seen and acknowledged.” Based on its success, its sister contest, Illustrators of the Future, was created five years later to provide that same opportunity for the aspiring artist.
The intensive mentoring process has proven very successful. The over 500 past winners and published finalists of the Writing Contest have published over 1,800 novels and nearly 6,200 short stories. They have produced 33 New York Times bestsellers, and their works have sold over 60 million copies.
The 370 past winners of the Illustrating Contest have produced over 6,000 illustrations, 360 comic books, graced 624 books and albums with their art, and visually contributed to 68 TV shows and 40 major movies.
For more information on the Contest, visit
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