2018 Writers Workshop
Throughout the late afternoon, the writer winners returned with their 24-hour stories which were due at 5:00 p.m. sharp.
After that was the “Big Reveal.” This is when the illustrator winner’s artwork is displayed on easels in the L. Ron Hubbard Library. The artists and guests stand back and watch as the doors open and the writers flood in to find the illustration for their story.
Authors and artists connect and it’s a joyful and oft times emotional meeting.
Brandon Sanderson was also there and meet the artist (Bea Jackson) who did the illustration for his story “The Lesson,” which is in Writers of the Future Volume 34. Bea is an Illustrator Winner from 2008 and featured in Writers of the Future Volume 24.
See all the photos below. The pictures tell the story.
The Writer Workshop reconvened after dinner and the winners heard from bestselling authors and Contest judges Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta. Their presentation, on the theme of “Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was First Starting Out,” focused on how to act like a professional.
Kevin and Rebecca regaled the winners with stories illustrating lessons learned during their years of experience in the publishing industry. The discussion covered a wide variety of subjects, including how to dress like a professional, how to take responsibility for your own writing career, and how to meet your commitments as a writer.
Illustrator Workshop
From guest blogger Val Lakey Lindahn
Echo and Lazarus covered some important issues about Contracts and working with Clients. An excellent detailed advanced Illustration discussion with the three of us preparing for their homework assignment, but first a treat!
Ven Locklear (Illustrator winner from 2010), presented the process of developing the “Star Dynasties” Project. He explained how he collected references and created a 3D retro-futuristic city, society, and environment using Sketch-Up and Handyman Art Reference Tools (both free). He showed his step-by-step process to design the elements for seven different roughs.
He then demonstrated Photoshop techniques, using the Transforming Tool & Smart Objects for background textures (which were gorgeous), and Clipping Masks for Glow Effects — like fire and magic (which were equally stunning!)
Adar Darnov commented on Ven using and working with a full spectrum of tools in Photoshop. And Ven emphasized the importance of working with other artists initially for a faster learning curve.
Bruce Brenneise asked about budget and number of pieces, and Alana Fletcher contributed quite a few excellent questions throughout the workshop about “work in progress.”
Next, the Homework Assignment: Every illustrator has to do an illustration for the short story, “The Death Flyer,” by L. Ron Hubbard which is in Writers of the Future Volume 34. To do this, they first create thumbnails of their illustration. Next, they were shown by Lazarus and Echo how to do reference photos for their sketches. Using the Prop closet at ASI, costumes were found for the early 1900’s. The winners took turns modeling and photographing each other from their thumbnail sketches. [See photos below.]
What great fun trying different lighting for the optimum scary effects of zombies on a train and a damsel in distress (Jazmen Richardson). The only thing missing was her shoes. Echo and I, along with illustrator Maksym Polishchuk, set out to solve the problem. Luckily we found Emily Goodwin; who happened to have the perfect sized high heels to borrow so we could complete the damsel’s costume!
I so enjoyed seeing the comradery developing as they assisted one another directing, adjusting costumes and photographing the poses for a common goal —references for their final illustration.
Several artists chose to use everyone as zombies. That’s a dozen zombies! Photos below.
Stay tuned for more!
Best and Cheerios’
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